Biography Andrew Kirkendall is a personal injury attorney practicing law in Dallas Texas. He began his legal career at the litigation boutique McKool Smith in Dallas where he represented a Fortune 500 company in a contract dispute represented a CEO i.. Direct contact link Biography Andrew Kirkendall is a personal injury attorney practicing law in Dallas Texas. He began his legal career at the litigation boutique McKool Smith in Dallas where he represented a Fortune 500 company in a contract dispute represented a CEO i.. Biography Andrew Kirkendall is a personal injury attorney practicing law in Dallas Texas. He began his legal career at the litigation boutique McKool Smith in Dallas where he represented a Fortune 500 company in a contract dispute represented a CEO i.. I am Andrew Gelbman an attorney in Albany New York. I am a principal in the Gelbman Legal Group. In addition to being an attorney I have over 30 years of experience in technology and healthcare. I am an expert in online privacy and information techno..