Frequently Asked Questions:

Please see some answers below to commonly asked questions.

Why choose

At, we understand the needs of marketers like you. Our search engine is designed specifically to cater to the unique challenges faced by marketing professionals. With our powerful algorithms and advanced data analytics, you can uncover valuable insights, optimize your campaigns, and stay ahead of the competition. We are committed to providing you with the best tools and resources to fuel your marketing success. Join our thriving community of marketers and experience the difference with today!

Can I cancel my subscription?

Subscriptions can be cancelled via the cancellation page here. You’ll still have access to your premium plan until the end of your subscription cycle. If you would like your account completely deleted, please Contact Us and we will remove immediately.

Where do you get your data?

We only source contact information that’s available publicly on websites.

What is your privacy policy?

If results related to you or your website have been included in our results and you would like them to be removed, please let us know and we will remove this information once you have sent an email from the domain concerned or provided ID proof or proof of ownership of website. More details of our privacy policy can be accessed here

How does the credit system work?

Each subscription is assigned a certain number of credits.
The credit system is as follows:
Each new search term: 4 credits charged if results are returned
Each new page of results 1 credit charged 
Export of results: 10 credits for every 1000 results (or part thereof) exported

Note: with the Starter Plan, a maximum of 4000 results for each search can be exported to CSV.

E.g A new search query returns 2 pages of results, both of which have been visited by the user
Credits used = 4 (new search term) + 1 (1st page of results) + 1 (2nd page of results) = 6 credits used

If the exact same search is done within the current billing period (excluding an export), the same search will not be charged any credits