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The Best Hotel in Dharan - Hotel Reservations in Dharan Nepal - THE Best Dharan Hotel Deals - Dharan Hotels - Lowest Rate Guaranteed! - Top 10 Hotels in Dharan - Hotel Gajur Palace Bhotepul Dharan - 3-star Hotel in Dharan - Affordable Hotel in Nepal - Gajur Hotel Dharan - Restaurant in Dharan - Dharan Visit
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Hotel Gajur Palace Dharan is an exquisitely designed luxurious hotel with an extraordinary location offering unrivalled value to the discerning traveller. We are perfectly located just a few minutes from the Dharan Bus Terminal and an hour away from the domestic airport in Biratnagar. - HOTEL GAJUR PALACE - a hotel in Dharan is an exquisitely designed luxurious hotel with an extraordinary location offering unrivalled value to the discerning traveller. We are perfectly located just a few minutes from the Dharan Bus Terminal and an hour away from the domestic airport in Biratnagar.
Telephone: 977) 025 *********

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