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Freiwilligenarbeit in Peru Südamerika - Freiwilligenarbeit Peru
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Why did we found Fairien? A few years ago we were in your position looking for interesting projects where we could help as volunteers. However the results were more than frustrating. During the search we mainly came across profit oriented organizations which make a lot of money on the volunteers. The supported project only gets a low share of it. Other organizations which were not that expensive didnt provide sufficient information advice or didnt answer our requests. We have heard about a lot of volunteers who were very disappointed with their projects. For that reason we founded Fairien to make it possible for socially engaged people to offer their skills and their will to help without the problems mentioned above. With Fairien we do not charge commission fees or any administrative costs. All the money is going directly to where it is really needed. As a small and flexible organization we can pay attention to every matter of the volunteers. We are looking forward to hearing from you! Contact Charlotte and Thomas

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